The challenge for global shipping

Although transportation of goods by ships remains the most environmentally friendly mode of transportation, shipping still accounts for almost 3% of the global emissions of greenhouse gases.

Alternative fuels,
energy reduction,
or both?

IMO’s strategy for reduction of Green House Gases was released in 2018,
and is up for revision in 2023.

Full decarbonization of shipping through zero emission fuels will require
more than half of the world’s current renewable electricity production.

The solution is to save energy and cover the remaining with green fuel.


The challenge for global shipping

Although transportation of goods by ships remains the most environmentally friendly mode of transportation, shipping still accounts for almost 3% of the global emissions of greenhouse gases.

Alternative fuels,
energy reduction,
or both?

IMO’s strategy for reduction of Green House Gases was released in 2018,
and is up for revision in 2023.

Full decarbonization of shipping through zero emission fuels will require
more than half of the world’s current renewable electricity production.

The solution is to save energy and cover the remaining with green fuel.

The need in numbers!

Shipping uses 200 Mil tons/year of Fossil fuel today

To replace 200 mil tons of fossil fuel with alternative green fuels
such as Green Ammonia of Methanol would require 450 mil
tons due to the difference in energy density

Shipping uses 200 Mil tons/year of Fossil fuel today

To replace 200 mil tons of fossil fuel with alternative green fuels
such as Green Ammonia of Methanol would require 450 mil
tons due to the difference in energy density

To produce 450mil tons of green fuel the world would
need to supply 5500 TWh into Power2x

Today we have only 54% of the TWh renewable energy needed
available in the world. So the capacity is not there and new sources
are currently only able to keep up with increase in energy demand.

To produce 450mil tons of green fuel the world would
need to supply 5500 TWh into Power2x

Today we have only 54% of the TWh renewable energy needed
available in the world. So the capacity is not there and new sources
are currently only able to keep up with increase in energy demand.

Shipping or other sectors?

Using the 5500 TWh on shipping would reduce the worlds emissions with 2.5-3%, but is this the right thing to do?

If the same energy was used to replace 2300 coal plant on global level it would reduce the worlds emissions with 15.2%

Data source - IMO MEPC 791714 (9 September 2022) Agenda Item 7

So what can ship owners, ship managers and operators do?

Save energy is the simple answer

Energy saving
technologies are
available today

Route optimization, JIT Arrival, Hull and propeller Condition,
optimum speed, Trim corrections, Engine condition monitoring
etc. etc.

Would you like to see our solution
please reach out for a demo

Contact us

If you are interested in learning more about what we do and how we can help your business then do not hesitate to reach out to us and we will come right back.
Reach us on mail or call us
+45 6119 1274